Dees Beauty Salon

Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

This is Dee's Beauty privacy policy. This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you and why we collect it.

What Information Do We Need?

We need your contact details, i.e. your name, phone number, address, postcode and email address. We will also need information about your age and health.

Why Do We Need It, How Will We Use It and How Long Will We Retain It?

We need all the details above in order to ensure that it is safe for us to provide the treatments you may ask for and for insurance purposes. We will store your information for 7 years after the date of your treatment, or for 7 years after you have reached the age of 18 if you are/were under 18 when your treatment took place. Our lawful basis for processing this personal information is ‘contract’, which means that we have a legal reason to ask you for your data. You do not have to share your personal data with us, but if you do not we cannot offer you a treatment with Dee's Beauty. You must fulfil your side of the contract (share your personal information) in order for us to fulfil ours (carry out treatment).

What if I don’t want my records to be held for that long?

Under the GDPR you can make a request in writing to me, for all your records to be deleted. In this case all your paper records would be shredded with a cross shredding machine and any electronic data such as emails or text messages would be permanently deleted from the devices they are stored on. Only the request for deletion you made will be saved. In some circumstances, my insurance company's legal team may want to verify information I send out.

What lengths are made to ensure my information is held securely?

Beauty treatments forms – Are all stored in a heavy, locked cabinet with locker.
Text messages – My work phone is secured with a pin code.
Emails – My email account requires a username and password.
Email attachments – Any attachments sent by email to you containing your personal information would be password protected and the password would be sent to you via text message.
Electronic documents – Any electronic documents are password protected and stored on a password protected computer if they contain personal or sensitive information.


We would also like to send you information about the products and services we offer using the information you have shared with us, but you do not have to agree to this for treatment to go ahead. If you agree to being contacted for marketing purposes you may withdraw this consent at any time by email [email protected] or calling us on 07342970870

Will We Share Your Information?

We will not share your information with anyone outside Dee's Beauty. In some circumstances my insurance company's legal team may want to verify information I send out.

Who Can I Complain To If I Feel You Are Not Handling My Data Correctly?

Please contact us if you have any questions about this privacy policy or the information we hold on you, you can do this by email [email protected]. If you believe we are not handling your data correctly you have a right to make a complaint, this should be sent to us using the above contact details. If you are unhappy with our response you should then contact the ICO (independent commissioner’s office) by contacting them.